The Moon and Roses

“If you love a flower that lives on a star, it is sweet to look at the sky at night. All the stars are a-bloom with flowers...” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince "Si tu aimes une fleur qui se trouve dans une étoile, c'est doux, la nuit, de regarder le ciel. Toutes les étoiles sont fleuries..."― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Le petit prince

Pan and the dream

I received my copy of Pan Magazine. Such a beautiful object! My work brings me now to study the notions of identity, doubles, masks and masquerades and so I find in there a lot of inspiration! This issue’s theme is in the realm of ghosts, but what are ghosts if not souls who lost their [...]


Time is infinite, but the things in time, the concrete bodies, are finite. They may indeed disperse into the smallest particles; but these particles, the atoms, have their determinate numbers, and the numbers of the configurations which, all of themselves, are formed out of them is also determinate. Now, however long a time may pass, [...]

Mushroom Variations

John cage was an intense mushroom lover. All kinds of mushrooms. I bought "John Cage: A Mycological Foray: Variations on Mushrooms", an absolutely beautiful book not long ago and could not be happier. Such a gorgeous and interesting object. John Cage's life philosophy and thoughts are shared and weirdly are all linked to fungi. There [...]